My People photo by Pam McComb-Podmostko ©2008 These are my ancestors under investigation. Do you know them? If you are working on any of these lines, please get in touch with me and we will compare notes; maybe we are cousins! Some of these are links to family trees already posted on the Internet, though sources may not be included. I do have source information on all of my research and am happy to share that data. ARGUS (Germany) BAADER (Germany) BECKER (Germany) BESSERER (Germany) BOTT (England) BRADSCHADL (Bohemia) BRAUN (Germany) BRUCHETTE/BRUSHETT (England) CASE (RI) {CASKEY (PA, Mexico, KS)} CLASSEN (Germany) COUNTRYMAN/GUNDREMANN(Germany, NY) CREMERIUS (Germany) CHRUST/CRUST (Germany) {DILLENBACK/H (NY)} EVERLY (MA) FLAUMIN (Germany) FREEMAN/VROOMAN (Holland, NY) GALLOP/GALLUP/GOLLOP (England, MA, RI, NY) GRIEFFS (Germany) GUIWITZ/(K)GEYWITS (Germany, NY) HABERMAN (Germany) HAMMER (Germany) HANSEN (Denmark) HEINRICH (Germany) HERBERGER (Germany) HICH (England) HOLLA(E)NDER (Germany, WI) HOMBERG (Germany) JENSEN (Denmark, WI) JOHNSON (Denmark, WI) {KAISER (Germany)} K(A)EMPF (Germany) KETTERER (Germany) KLENCHER (Germany) KNOETGEN (Bohemia, WI) KOHR (Germany) KRIEGER (Germany) KUNKL (Bohemia) LEE (GA, TN) MANZ (Germany) MAR(C)KFELD (Germany) MATERAS (Germany) MEN(T)Z (Germany) MOHR (Germany) MUELLER (Germany, NY, IL, WI) MUNCH (Germany) NICHOLS (England) PAETZGEN (Germany) PATTERSON (RI, NY) PATZENHAUER (Bohemia) PICKARD/PICKERT/BICKERT (England, NY) PLATZ (Germany) ROSSNER (Bohemia) SCHALL/SHAUL (Germany, NY) SCHULDNER (Germany) SCHURZ (Germany) SHARP (MA) SIMON (Germany) {STICKLE (PA, TX)} STIRNER (Germany) STRETTON (England) THENEE (Germany, France) THONNESSEN/TÖNNESEN (Germany) TRAP(P)SCHUH (Bohemia, Austria, WI) TREFZ (Germany) UEBELE (Germany, NY) van PETTEN (Germany?) WEIS(S)ER (Germany, NY, PA) WILCOX (VT, NY, MI, TN, TX, IL) WILLIFORD/WOLFORD (GA, TN) WINDLORIN (NY) {WOLBERT (Germany, NY)} YOUKER/JUCKER (Germany, NY) ZUMWALDT (Germany)